Arnhem Electricity Week

met o.a. de European New Power Summit en Café Electrique met Rob Kamphues & Nyck de Vries

At the Arnhem Electricity Week, you will encounter the latest developments and innovations in the energy sector. Throughout the week, gain insights into what the next 5 years hold for the industry.

Explore the daily program
Engage in various business congresses featuring the latest solutions for system-integrated electrification to address present and future challenges. Additionally, our event offers inspiring crossovers in Arnhem, seamlessly blending music, film and theater with Formula-E all intricately connected to energy-related themes.

Plan your Arnhem Electricity Week adventure today!

De energie transitie – en dus ook “elektrificatie” – is een thema is waar heel veel mensen, ondernemingen en organisaties bij betrokken zijn en interesse in hebben.

Meer informatie, programma en tickets:

Dit staat op de agenda

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